A myriad of health benefits, both short and long term are conferred to both the mother and infant via human milk and lactation
— Prof Donna Geddes


Human milk microbiome and microbiome-related products: potential modulators of infant growth

Longitudinal changes in wellbeing amongst breastfeeding women in Australia and New Zealand during the COVID‑19 pandemic
European Journal of Pediatrics

Effect of a reduced fat and sugar maternal dietary intervention during lactation on the infant gut microbiome
Frontiers in Microbiology

Delayed secretory activation and low milk production in women with gestational diabetes: a case series
BMC Preg and Childbirth

Human Milk Macronutrients and Bioactive Molecules and Development of Regional Fat Depots in Western Australian Infants during the First 12 Months of Lactation

Maternal evaluation of a team-based maternity care model for women of low obstetric risk
J Patient Experience

Effect of Cold Storage on the Viable and Total Bacterial Populations in Human Milk

Environmental determinants of human milk composition in relation to health outcomes
Acta Paediatr

Impact of pasteurization on the self-assembly of human milk lipids during digestion
J Lipid Res

A brief gestalt intervention changes ultrasound measures of tongue movement during breastfeeding: case series
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth

Exclusively Breastfed Infant Microbiota Develops over Time and is Associated with Human Milk Oligosaccharide Intakes
Int J of Molecular Sciences

Human Milk Oligosaccharides and Bacterial Profile Modulate Infant Body Composition during Exclusive Breastfeeding
Int J of Molecular Sciences


The Fatty Acid Species and Quantity Consumed by the Breastfed Infant Are Important for Growth and Development

Longitudinal Follow-up of Preterm Breastfeeding to 12 Weeks Corrected Gestational Age
Adv Neonatal Care

Construct validity and internal consistency of the Breast Inflammatory Symptom Severity Index in lactating mothers with inflammatory breast conditions

Breast milk production in women with chronic nipple pain

Development of Visceral and Subcutaneous-abdominal Adipose Tissue in Breastfed Infants during First Year of Lactation

Healthy Breastfeeding Infants Consume Different Quantities of Milk Fat Globule Membrane Lipids

Human Milk Metabolic Hormones: Analytical Methods and Current Understanding

Reduction in Maternal Energy Intake during Lactation Decreased Maternal Body Weight and Concentrations of Leptin, Insulin and Adiponectin in Human Milk without Affecting Milk Production, Milk Macronutrient Composition or Infant Growth

Use of a Portable Point-of-Care Instrumentation to Measure Human Milk Sodium and Potassium Concentrations

Daily and within-feed variation of macro- and trace-element concentrations in human milk and implications for sampling
Food Chemistry

Daily variation of macronutrient concentrations in mature human milk over 3 weeks
Scientific Reports

Wellbeing of Breastfeeding Women in Australia and New Zealand during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study

The association of maternal gestational hyperglycemia with breastfeeding duration and markers of milk production
Am J Clin Nutr

Reproducibility of the creamatocrit technique for the measurement of fat content in human milk
Food Chemistry

Can we modulate the breastfed infant gut microbiota through maternal diet?
FEMS Microbiology Reviews

The importance of infants’ lipid intake in human milk research
Nutrition Reviews

The Milk Metabolome of Non-secretor and Lewis Negative Mothers
Front. Nutr.

Promoting and Protecting Human Milk and Breastfeeding in a COVID-19 World
Front. Pediatrics

Impact of expression mode and timing of sample collection relative to milk ejection, on human milk bacterial DNA profiles
Journal of Applied Microbiology

Nipple shield use does not impact sucking dynamics in breastfeeding infants of mothers with nipple pain
Eur J Pediatr.

Centrifugation does not remove bacteria from the fat fraction of human milk
Scientific Reports

Imaging the breastfeeding 
swallow: Pilot study utilizing 
real-time MRI

Laryngoscope Investig Otolaryngol

Effect of nipple shield use on 
milk removal: a mechanistic 

BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth

Causes of Perception of 
Insufficient Milk Supply in 
Western Australian Mothers

Maternal and Child Nutrition

Human milk glucocorticoid levels are associated with infant adiposity and head circumference over the first year of life
Frontiers in Nutrition

Human milk sampling protocols affect estimation of infant lipid intake
Journal of Nutrition

Composition of Coloured Gastric Residuals in Extremely Preterm Infants-A Nested Prospective Observational Study

Altered sucking dynamics in a breastfed infant with Down syndrome: a case report
International Breastfeeding Journal

Untargeted lipidomics using liquid chromatography - ion mobility spectroscopy - mass spectrometry reveals novel triacylglycerides in human milk
Scientific Reports

DNA extraction method influences human milk bacterial profiles
J Applied Microbiology

A Common Genetic Variant in Zinc Transporter ZnT2 (Thr288Ser) Is Present in Women With Low Milk Volume and Alters Lysosome Function and Cell Energetics
Am J Physiol Cell Biology

Understanding the Lingual Frenulum: Histological Structure, Tissue Composition, and Implications for Tongue Tie Surgery
International Journal of Otolaryngology


Impact of Nipple Shield Use on Milk Transfer and Maternal 
Nipple Pain

Breastfeeding Medicine

Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing in Breastfeeding Infants With Laryngomalacia: Observed Clinical and 
Endoscopic Changes With Alteration of Infant Positioning at 
the Breast

Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol.

Mothers Own Milk Biomarkers Predict Coming to Volume in 
Pump - Dependent Mothers of 
Preterm Infants

J Pediatr

Human Milk From Atopic 
Mothers Has Lower Levels of 
Short Chain Fatty Acids

Front Immunol

Human milk immunomodulatory proteins are related to development of infant body composition during the first year of lactation
Pediatric Research

The Impact of Maternal Obesity on Human Milk Macronutrient Composition: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Estimates of Preterm Infants' Breastfeeding Transfer Volumes Are Not Reliably Accurate
Advances in Neotatal Care


Short-term rate of milk synthesis and expression interval of preterm mothers
Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed

Carbohydrates in Human Milk and Body Composition of Term Infants during the First 12 Months of Lactation

What Evidence Do We Have for Pharmaceutical Galactagogues in the Treatment of Lactation Insufficiency-A Narrative Review

Capturing Nipple Deformation and Peripheral Pressure on the Areola During Breastfeeding
J Biomech Eng

Comparison of maternal milk ejection characteristics during pumping using infant-derived and 2-phase vacuum patterns
Journal of Perinatology

Thermal physiology of the lactating nipple influences the removal of human milk
Scientific Reports

Breastfeeding a small for gestational age infant, complicated by maternal gestational diabetes: a case report
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth

Defining the anatomy of the neonatal lingual frenulum
Clinical Anatomy

What is a Tongue Tie? Defining the anatomy of the in-situ lingual frenulum
Clinical Anatomy

Transforming growth factor beta in human milk and allergic outcomes in children: a systematic review
Clinical and Experimental Allergy

Breastfeeding and Human Lactation

Effect of vacuum–release teat versus standard teat use on feeding milestones and breastfeeding outcomes in very preterm infants: A randomized controlled trial

Staphylococcus aureus Enterotoxin Production in Raw and Pasteurized Milk: The Effect of Selected Different Storage Durations and Temperatures
Breastfeeding Medicine

Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin production in raw, Holder pasteurized and Ultraviolet-C treated donated human milk
Breastfeeding Medicine

Detection of Milk Ejection Using Bioimpedance Spectroscopy in Lactating Women during Milk Expression Using an Electric Breast Pump
Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia


Changes in R0/R8∞ ratio and membrane capacitance are associated with milk removal from the breast
PLoS One

Excessive Weight Gain Followed by Catch-Down in Exclusively Breastfed Infants: An Exploratory Study

Human Milk Casein and Whey Protein and Infant Body Composition over the First 12 Months of Lactation

Postpartum Maternal Health at a Time of Rapid Societal Change in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Comparison of inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry with an ion selective electrode to determine sodium and potassium levels in human milk Nutrients

Human Milk Lipidomics: Current Techniques and Methodologies

Worldwide variation in breast milk metabolites: A function of lactation performance?

Hourly breast expression to estimate the rate of synthesis of milk and fat

Human Milk Adiponectin and Leptin and Infant Body Composition over the First 12 Months of Lactation

Human Milk Biomarkers of Secretory Activation in Breast Pump-Dependent Mothers of Premature Infants
Breastfeeding Medicine

Preterm infant feeding: a mechanistic comparison between a vacuum
triggered novel teat and breastfeeding


Observations on the health of infants at a time of rapid societal change: a longitudinal study from birth to fifteen months in Abu Dhabi
BMC Pediatrics

Relationships between breastfeeding patterns and maternal and infant body composition over the first 12 months of lactation


Practice-based interpretation of ultrasound studies leads the way to more effective clinical support and less pharmaceutical and surgical intervention for breastfeeding

Gastric emptying of different meal volumes of identical composition in preterm infants, a time series analysis
Pediatric Research Online Edition

Characteristics of sucking dynamics of breastfeeding preterm infants: a cross sectional study
BMC Pregnancy and childbirth

Changes in fatty acid composition of human milk in response to cold-like symptoms in the lactating mother and infant

Impact of preterm birth on glucocorticoid variability in human milk
Journal of Human Lactation

Immune components in human milk are associated with early infant immunological health outcomes: A prospective three-country analysis

The relationship of human milk leptin and macronutrients with gastric emptying in term breastfed infants
Pediatric Research

Associations Between Maternal Body Composition and Appetite Hormones and Macronutrients in Human Milk

A retrospective audit of bacterial culture results of donated human milk in Perth, Western Australia
Early Human Development

Milk ejection patterns remain consistent during the first and second lactations
American Journal of Human Biology

Pesticides in human milk of Western Australian women and their influence on infant growth outcomes: a cross-sectional study


Effect of human milk appetite hormones, macronutrients and infant characteristics on gastric emptying and breastfeeding behaviour of term fully breastfed infants

Milk ejection patterns remain consistent during the first and second lactations
American Journal of Human Biology

Determinants of body composition in breastfed infants using bioimpedance spectroscopy and ultrasound skinfolds - methods comparison
Pediatric Research

Longitudinal study of pesticide residue levels in human milk from Western Australia during 12 months of lactation: Exposure assessment for infants
Scientific Reports

Breastmilk Production in the First 4 Weeks after Birth of Term Infants
Nutrients - Special Issue
Nutrients in Infancy

Leptin Levels Are Higher in Whole Compared to Skim Human Milk, Supporting a Cellular Contribution

Pesticides in human milk of Western Australian women and their influence on infant growth outcomes: a cross-sectional study

Comparison of gravimetric, creamatocrit and esterified fatty acid methods for determination of total fat content in human milk
Food Chemistry

Colostrum and mature human milk of women from London, Moscow and Verona: determinants of immune composition

Effects of maternal dietary egg intake during early lactation on human milk ovalbumin concentration: a randomized controlled trial
Clinical and Experimental Allergy

Levels of innate immune factors in preterm and term mothers breast milk during the 1st month postpartum
British Journal of Nutrition

Ultrasound Imaging of Breastfeeding-A Window to the Inside: Methodology, Normal Appearances, and Application
Journal of Human Lactation

Determinants of body composition in breastfed infants using bioimpedance spectroscopy and ultrasound skinfolds - methods comparison
Pediatric Research

Comparing different methods of human breast milk fortification using measured v. assumed macronutrient composition to target reference growth: a randomised controlled trial
British Journal of Nutrition

Human milk cells contain numerous miRNAs that may change with milk removal and regulate multiple physiological processes
International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Milk miRNAs: Simple nutrients or systemic functional regulators
Nutrition & Metabolism

Human milk cells contain numerous miRNAs that may change with milk removal and regulate multiple physiological processes
International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Bioimpedance spectroscopy in the infant: effect of milk intake and extracellular fluid reservoirs on resistance measurements in term breastfed infants
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Changes in milk composition associated with pethidine-PCEA usage after Caesarean section
Maternal and Child Nutrition

Human milk cells and lipids conserve numerous known and novel miRNAs, some of which are differentially expressed during lactation

Vacuum characteristics of the sucking cycle and relationships with milk removal from the breast in term infants
Early Human Development

Ultrasound Imaging of Breastfeeding-A Window to the Inside: Methodology, Normal Appearances, and Application
Journal of Human Lactation

Human milk miRNAs primarily originate from the mammary gland resulting in unique miRNA profiles of fractionated milk
Scientific Reports